How does it work

Set up an announcement for the bereaved

As a club, society or Company you can create an online death announcement on behalf of the bereaved in honour of the deceased member or employee.

The announcement appears on its own dedicated page with the deceased’s name, age, place of living, and a profile and if provided, include funeral arrangements, florist, chosen charity for donations, and funeral director details 

Share with members or employees

Your club or company can share the news of their loss and link members or employees directly to the announcement and arrangements. The announcement page enables those wishing to join the ceremony, to confirm their attendance.

Transfer account to bereaved

The announcement is transferred to the bereaved, allowing them to extend to include family and friends. Everyone is linked to the same announcement, with family and friends also included in attendee replies for the ceremony.

View sample announcement. Click Here or search using “club” “society” or “company”